Wings of Destiny
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Wings of Destiny
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Post by ????? Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:45 pm

Hi everyone. I'm Galaxia from SailorMoonCenter.
I was wondering about something.
Since there are 2 greek dubs of Sailor Moon, are they very different?
I watched ant1 dub when i was a child and i barely remember it, and I have seen a couple of episodes from the other dub recently.
My question is what is the difference between these 2 dubs? And if there are any multi-lingual releases?


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Post by King Syaoran Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:14 pm

Hello. There aren't any multi lingual eps. The 1st dub was from the channel ANT1 in greece in 1992-1995 (eps 1-200) and the 2nd dub was from channel STAR in 2002-2003 (eps 1-88).
ANT1 dub was a lot more serious back there. Some great actors took part in this dub such as the main voice actors Matina Karra (SailorMoon), Manos Venieris (Tuxedo Kamen), and Rania Ioannidou (Sailor Venus). These actors did their best not to alter their voices too much in order for the dub to become realistic.
STAR dub is consisted of a studio that has taken care of all of the cartoons in STAR channel and a 2nd greek channel called ALTER.They didn't pay much attention to the dub, altered their voices in order to sound childish and took the same text as the ANT1 dub had so they repeat the same mistakes as they did. Also dub seems not professionly made, for example as if me and my family did the dub just for fun. There is no emotion on the voice, especially for the main voice actress sailormoon.Crying seems like gnarling, Laughter is like someone is chocking and sailor venus' voice seems like someone is trying to talk like a cat, only lots and lots of worse. *QuuenNehelenia says it's more like a mosquito ahahahahaah Very Happy Very Happy i hope this settles it right.

By the way can i ask you something? Are you the same Galaxia as the one that used to be in #sailorcenter in /triggers before it moved to rizon?

Last edited by King Syaoran on Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

question Mamoru_sign_1_1
King Syaoran
King Syaoran

Number of posts : 1244
Age : 38
Location : Ελλάδα,Κοζάνη
Registration date : 2008-12-14

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question Empty Re: question

Post by KouSeiya Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:16 pm

Galaxia wrote:Hi everyone. I'm Galaxia from SailorMoonCenter.
I was wondering about something.
Since there are 2 greek dubs of Sailor Moon, are they very different?
I watched ant1 dub when i was a child and i barely remember it, and I have seen a couple of episodes from the other dub recently.
My question is what is the difference between these 2 dubs? And if there are any multi-lingual releases?

They are very very different, because:
1)the time in which the dubs where done was very far(ant1 was done in 1993-1996 while star channel dub was done in 2002-2003)
2)the voice cast was completely different
3)there were many changes done and a lot of things (like bg music,small scenes or sound effects) were missing and they where different between the two dubs
(for example,on the episode where usagi becomes princess serenity for the very first time, on ant1, we could hear only the bg music without any sound effects, while on Star channel, we could hear only the sound effects without any bg music)
4)ant1 dubbed the opening and kept it until the end, while star channel at first put the original opening and from the episode where rei makes her appearance up until the end, we had a karaoke version of moonlight densetsu and didn't play any of the endings(although we could hear the original music for a moment)
5)ant1 dubbed until episode 200(the very final one), while star channel up until episode 88(final battle of R season)
6)the Greek dub was never released outside television and the only thing we have with episodes are old VHS s

one question to you:
are you Greek?
Royal Guard
Royal Guard

Number of posts : 242
Age : 32
Registration date : 2009-01-23

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question Empty Re: question

Post by King Syaoran Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:23 pm

1) ant1 1992-1995, star 2002-2003.
3) star channel had even fewer bg music that ant1
4) i will check it on my dvds later Very Happy to besure
6)cause they didn't have the copyrights. It was fashion that time for studio spk audio film television to take toei movies and series and make them greek without taking the copyrights. That's why it was never released on official vhs nor dvds.

question Mamoru_sign_1_1
King Syaoran
King Syaoran

Number of posts : 1244
Age : 38
Location : Ελλάδα,Κοζάνη
Registration date : 2008-12-14

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question Empty Re: question

Post by KouSeiya Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:25 pm

King Syaoran wrote:There is no emotion on the voice, especially for the main voice actress sailormoon.Crying seems like gnarling, Laughter is like someone is chocking and sailor venus' voice seems like someone is trying to talk like a cat, only lots and lots of worse. *QuuenNehelenia says it's more like a mosquito ahahahahaah Very Happy Very Happy i hope this settles it right.

I agree! Sailor Venus didn't have a voice in this dub!I hated her voice, even if I liked the voice actor! Rania Ioanidou and Maria Plakidi is a gorgeous voice for her
Royal Guard
Royal Guard

Number of posts : 242
Age : 32
Registration date : 2009-01-23

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question Empty Re: question

Post by KouSeiya Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:34 pm

King Syaoran wrote:
4) i will check it on my dvds later Very Happy to besure

Not sure for the episode where the karaoke starts,but I clearly remember hearing the beginning of heart moving and otome no policy and then commercial breaks(never kept episodes of star, didn't like the dub)
Royal Guard
Royal Guard

Number of posts : 242
Age : 32
Registration date : 2009-01-23

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question Empty Re: question

Post by ????? Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:26 pm

King Syaoran wrote:By the way can i ask you something? Are you the same Galaxia as the one that used to be in #sailorcenter in /triggers before it moved to rizon?

No, I'm the new Galaxia.
Currently this is my username on SMC forum, tracker and IRC chanel.
So now, whenever you see Galaxia at SMC, it's me Smile

KouSeiya wrote:
one question to you:
are you Greek?

No, i'm not greek.
I lived in Cyprus when I was a child and I watched Sailor Moon every Saturday and Sunday on TV.

Thank you all for your answers.
Now the difference between the dubs is clear to me.


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